Just in this week, we faced "zero reach" on our Facebook page, and have been blocked intentionally without notice.We believe this is not what Facebook wanting from the recent update. But yet it happens as a flaw on the latest change of the Facebook. With this open letter, we hope that we can get enough attention from the public and also the official Facebook to improve our online community.
The reach of the Facebook post is always up and down.
We're just a page that base on our hobby, which the main purpose is just to share the fun. So we don't care that much about our reach and clicks, cause we know the Facebook is meant to connect with others socially and fun is always the second-priority on their list.
KikyuS born because of Facebook, our team gather because of Facebook, so, we know the value of Facebook in term of connecting people. Even though we don't like to do this, we know this will have negative effects on Facebook, but yet we will insist to publish this open letter to tell that Facebook, "you're so wrong."
Facebook is facing a war, a war with clickbait, but yet many innocent fan pages lost in this war, including us, KikyuS.
The beginning
Step into February, all reaches of the posts of Kikyus have dropped to the new low. We noticed that but have no idea about it.
Until we saw the video below from Facebook:
Easily speaking, that Facebook will change algorithm and it will effect on our reach.
Although we didn't see the such serious effect happen in our sister page Nmia Gaming, yet we accept this explaination.
But then, the horrible begin. For a period of time our page have absolute zero reach for every posts and any types of post:

all post have zero reach, until one of our page member go to click like. We also discuss the possibility of bug.
To investigate this issue we do a lot of research, yet no clear explanation. Until almost a day later we found it with using keyword "bug" and realized that we have been listed as one of the click-bait pages.
There have no any pre-notification from Facebook about blocking our posts' reach, and throwing us into click-bait list is one of the things which we never thought of.
So, to double confirm it, we found the definition of click-bait, and here is basically what everybody agree on:
"click bait" is the link with eye-catching headlines or picture which sometimes is fake or irrelevant with the content, and also exploit the "curiosity gap," providing just enough information to make readers curious about the content of the links.
I'm very sure that we don't have these kinds of posts so we dig deeper into it,examples of Click-bait given by Facebook included these:
I'm sure that we have no vote baiting, react baiting, share baiting, tag baiting and also command baiting.
The most closest thing that I can think of with these is the activity we run on 2017:
That was't just asking for like and share, but generally we always want our fans to think about some thing and voice out their opinion, we want interaction that are meaningful, not just a "reaction". We also state it clearly, it was a activity("活動") so there should not be baiting since everybody know what is coming. In addition, if Facebook really want to block our whole page just for an activity that we do once or twice per year, it's just unreasonable and crazy.
Now these is our posts status:

The black is video posts with reasonable reach;
Blue is link、red is video with links and green is picture which all having unreasonable reach.
Video posts have no problem, the only problem that occurs is the posts with links, pictures and video that with links.
In the picture part, I believe everybody know there are nothing baiting so no need too much explanation.
The most arguable part maybe is on the placement of links. So we write an appeal to Facebook for unblock our page with mostly talking about how our links are not click-baiting.

In Facebook "Appeal a Page Block", it clearly stated our page has been sharing links that they believe are clickbait, such as a headline designed to get someone's attention and lure people into clicking it. Our post will still appear on our Page, but it won't appear in News Feed.

We write the appeal in both Chinese and English, full-text with about three thousand words. Which attached with all data and explanation with possible reasons this is just a mistake.
The Full Text of Appeal(Chinese Ver.):http://www.kikyus.com/2018/02/Appeal-ch.html
The Full Text of Appeal(English Ver.):http://www.kikyus.com/2018/02/the-full-text-of-appeal.html
Be ignored by Facebook
We start to gather information and write the appeal on 5 of Feb, we sent the appeal on 6 of Feb, but until today (9 of Feb) it was still have no any respond from Facebook.
No respond, mean that we can only keep trying posting and bear with this pointless and unreasonable "punishment".
We won't even know what happen to our page if we haven't done deep research on this issues. We believe that there have many page owner out there get the same treatment from Facebook like us but have no idea what is happening to their page.
Declaring they wanted to connect people with people, Facebook failed to even give a notice on blocking the page they blocked. What a disappointment.
Here is Six things we ask from this open letter:
1.Give notice and warning before blocking or reducing posts reach.
Facebook gives the warning and notice when deleting posts and closing your page, which that including nudity, violence, copyright and all kind of issues that may cause the result. So, why not add Click bait on the list?2.Giving the word "Click Bait" clear and justified definition.
Click bait have too much of meaning and can have many interpretation.We don't even consider that these examples Facebook given before is a "Baiting activity" before we saw it.
And even though it is a baiting, we're doing almost zero with "baiting" activity.
3.Use human to double check the posts
Base on the article below, Facebook is using Machine learning mechanic to filter out the post that are click baiting. We all know that Machine learning need to make a lot of "mistake" and get the feed back from human to learn what is "wrong" and what is "right".It's definitely not perfect for now, so human works is still needed.(I know it may be impossible to let human filter all the posts, but at least some of it.)
4.Improve the appeal and reports process.
5.Don't Suggest to paid if the page is been block.
You dropped a reach of the page, suggest we paid to gain more reach, but it don't actually work. This is kinda a fraud or... should I say the worst kind of bait that can occur on Facabook "Pay Baiting".6.Accept the fact that fans' pages do connect people.
Even Though that might be an idea that hard to accept, but there have still many people know each other via Facebook page.We KikyuS member gather because we meet on Facebook, we comment on the same post from a page, and because of the same topic that a post created. We're connected with each other, and connected with people that the way only Facebook can do. The connection and relationship we build by the Facebook page is irreplaceable and have much value that we can't think of.
That is only things that can be done by Facebook, and yet Facebook is trying to kill it.
I believe that we don't ask too much from Facebook.
If Facebook review our content, and still insist we're involved with click bait by giving prove, example and clear explanation, we will accept it with no second doubt.
But what happening now is unreasonable.
Blocking a page content without any notice, hiding the click bait related page in deep, letting us believe that paying is only way to get out from the situation, but actually pay for promote is doing nothing....
We believe there are so many more Facebook page owner get block without knowing any reason why their page suddenly get zero reaches treatment and no idea how to deal with it.
This is the Facebook biggest mistake, and also what we think they do so terribly wrong.
If you want to check are your managing page is been blocked by Facebook due to Click Bait or not, please click the link below:
There may be many pages you like that been blocked by this reason, and nobody has an idea about it. The most important part is they may be the innocent victim that sacrifice for the war between Facebook and clickbait.
For the fans of the KikyuS please don't worry too much.
Even though this was a hard time for us, and we're in a transitional period, but we still looking forward to possibility in future.
If you don't want to miss our posts and other articles, please subscribe by writing your email in below, we will notify you via email when we have any update.
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We're using robot to manage our Twitter and Google+ account before, but from now on, we will starting put more thought into these platforms.
Thank you for the support for KikyuS and reading this whole long passage.
Hopefully, we can create a better online community together.
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